Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Beads of Courage

I'm currently working on beads to send to the www.beadsofcourage.net this group gives beads to children being treated for cancer. I thought the kids might like faces. Excuse the bead poop :)

Happy New Year folks.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Christmas is coming... Ho Ho Ho

I've been working hard on a technique called a 'petal' bead. I know the 'look' I want, and I've actually achieved it on a few beads... alas I can't seem to repeat the process... so I continue to experiment, and practice. Here's picture of on of my 'good' ones

And some more of my latest creations that I put on bead pens, from www.INeedToBead.com. Great customer service and reasonable prices on solid metal pens (not plastic).